Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Abortion debate on facebook

I have successfully done a pretty good job of staying away from many internet message board debates, as they tend to get nasty really quickly and generally are not productive.

That being said, a friend on Facebook from the Catholic student group at UNCG posted a message and tagged all the members of the group to read it. Since I had attended several meetings while I was a grad student there. The message was basically a response to Nancy Pelosi's comments recently regarding abortion and the general topic of abortion as it pertains to this year's presidential election.

I will save you all the gritty details, but it progressed to comments about abstinence not being effective because people do not have the willpower to fight sexual urges, etc. A friend responded with one of the most eloquent responses I have read in a while. It speaks not only to the abortion debate but also to anything that people struggle with in life and it really drove home many good points. I have copied the salient portion for your reading pleasure.

"The fact is that people DO have the will power. God would not have created us to not do something and then not give all of us the power not to do it. God created each of us with the will power to follow His law if we so choose to. Saying that people don't have the will power makes it seem as though you don't think God has given us all the power to follow His laws, making Him seem like quite an unjust and unfair God. God has given us all the strength we need to follow what He asks. So please don't tell me people don't have the will power, they sure do have it. They have just decided to suppress it and take the easy way out. Life is hard, and it requires sacrifice and a whole hell of a lot of will power...but people don't want to accept that anymore. I am tired of this nation catering to evil because they just don't think people can handle sacrifice. People live up to the expectations you assign them. If you tell people they won't survive abstinence, then they won't."

How true, how true. The family unit is under attack because people are too selfish and proud to humble themselves before our Lord and allow Him to take control of their life. It is times like this that I truly worry about our society and the values that we embrace.

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!

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