Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pro-life or pro-......choice?

I was watching a video that highlights Senator Obama's intentions concerning the abortion debate today and I got to thinking.

Isn't it interesting that the two sides of this debate are pro-life and pro-choice?

I recognize why the word choice is used, because pro-abortionists believe that women should have the choice of whether or not to have an abortion, but it is kind of a misnomer for those of us who CHOOSE to have the baby.

It seems to me that if you want to accurately describe the position so often held by the pro-choice camp, one should use the word that is the opposite of life: death. It would accurately describe the intentions of the group and would end this euphemistic attitude that we as a country seem to be adopting toward this subject.

Regardless of the circumstances, abortion ends human life. Abortion results in death. Those that support abortion should be described as pro-death.

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!

1 comment:

Frances said...

I, too, take issue with the term "pro-choice." Although I would not go so far as to call all adherents to that position "pro-death," I would like to make it clear somehow that we, too, believe in "choice." God created us with free will, and therefore we can make many choices. It should not be our goal to leave anyone choiceless. However, we CAN make certain immoral choices illegal, for the good of the innocent lives and society as a whole. After all, people can still choose to kill - and face the just consequences.