Monday, April 28, 2008

7 Random Things

After being mentioned in good friends David and Frances' blog, I am going to try this whole chain letter/blog thing. I guess the first thing is to link to the person who called you mean, graciously linked you from their blog. So here it is.

The second thing is to post the instructions. So here they are:

1. When tagged, place the name and URL on your blog.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

And off we go!

1. One of my biggest pet peeves is soap/shampoo that does not lather. The biggest culprit in this area is public bathrooms, most notably the one at work. There is nothing worse than soaping up my hands only to feel like I am washing my hands with olive oil that is barely scented like urinal cakes.

2. I love the smell of my toenails after I clip them, especially my big toes. Call me weird, call me gross, but you know you have that one thing you love the smell of that your friends would disown you over.

3. I am scared to death of drowning. Let me clarify. I am scared to death of being drowned, forcefully, mob-movie-cinder-block-shoes-thrown-into-Lake-Michigan-in-December-style. Most would think this is counterintuitive, considering my competitive swimming background, but I guess its the whole concept of such an amazing talent being taken away from me that really geeks me out.

4. I love sunflower seeds. I am working with a college baseball team, and I must say that sunflower seeds, not sunflower kernels, are the sole thing that help me keep my sanity when we get to the stadium 4 hours before game time. There is something therapeutic about throwing about 20 seeds in your mouth, storing them in one cheek squirrel style and slowly working them down like a professional. Nevermind the fact that all the salt works my cheeks and lips raw. Most people would just say, "Adam, why dont you just buy the kernels and save yourself the trouble". I say, I buy them because of the hull, not in spite of it. Some may just never understand. Wow thats alot of typing about sunflower seeds.

5. I have the meanest watch tan this side of the Mississippi. Again, working with two outdoors sports this year meant countless hours in the sun. I like to wear a watch in case I ever need to take a pulse, God forbid, and as such, the perfect outline of my timepiece can be seen on my wrist. I think you can even see the word Timex on there too.

6. This one may shock you. I know that I am tall, 6'9" in fact. And no I didnt play basketball, I swam. And yes, when I dove in, I was pretty much halfway across the pool. If I had a nickel everytime I encountered this EXACT sequence of questions being told to me as if no one ever told me that I was tall, Diana and I would be out of debt last year.

7. I will argue with you for hours about what side of the utensils go into the basket in the dishwasher. I can not for the life of me, understand why you would put the business end of the fork into the basket and not give it the full exposure to the water and soap that it needs. Most people rebut with, and please use your best "dummy" voice when you read this line, "Well what about knives, you dont want to cut yourself on them when you take them out". First, who washes their nice cutlery in the dishwasher? If you do this, you should probably not argue on the best way to wash dishes. Second, who doesnt pay attention to what they are grabbing out of the basket when putting dishes away. I have emptied dishwashers for the better part of 18 years of my life and never once, to my recollection, can I remember putting the silverware away with my eyes closed, or in a situation where I could not see the utensils. Again, if you do this, maybe you just shouldnt put the silverware away.

So now Im supposed to put 7 of my favorite blogs down. I wish I could name 7 blogs, much less choose 7 of my favorites. Sadly, the above linked blog is my only blogger friend so far. Is there like a club or a bar that you can go to to meet blogfriends?

God bless


ps...This weeks song of the hour is by Monday Morning, a Christian group that plays some softer, worship style songs. The song is called "The Wonder of it All" and has a pretty quality sound to it. Enjoy

1 comment:

Frances said...

Thanks for playing along, Adam! I laughed out loud at some of your responses. I, too, love lather. Those new foaming soap dispensers are great! My high school chemistry class did an experiment with shampoos to test their latheriness (I made that up) and cleaning power. Some shampoos lather up but do not clean well - fakers. The all-around winner (best lather AND cleaning power) was the original Herbal Essences, which is a staple in my shower. Too bad that doesn't help you out any, Adam. Herbal Essences is for girls (unless rose is another scent you love much to the chagrin of your comrades). Personally, I loved the smell of old school report cards. Mmmm, carbon copy.

It's fun to imagine someone being half way down the pool after their entrance dive. I'd like to see that someday.

No argument from me - all the ordinary utensils should be "face up" in the basket. We do put our sharp knives down, though, for safety's sake, because they are not really "nice" cutlery and I don't want to wash them by hand. ;P

Someday (maybe after the graduation and wedding?) you might enjoy reading the Catholic Dads blog regularly.