Saturday, May 23, 2009

Abigail firsts!

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Abigail has had quite the 24 hours.

On Fridays at St. Mark, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed from after the 7AM mass until benediction before the 9AM mass on Saturday. We were having a lazy afternoon so I decided we should go take Abigail to visit Jesus. Diana and I were both a bit unsure how she would behave in the chapel. To our surprise, she did quite well; she even talked a bit in her "Ah-oooo's" and "Eh's" and "Gaa-O's". It was pretty neat to think that Abigail could be talking to Jesus in her own personal way! Unfortunately, though, we were only able to stay for about a half hour before she started getting fussy (we were on the back end of her 2-3 hour block of nursing).

Also last night, we are pretty sure that Abigail slept for a continuous 7 hours. She nursed at around 8:30PM and did not nurse again until 5:30PM! We are hoping that our efforts to keep her "bedtime" consistent will continue to pay off like this!

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!


Frances said...

Hooray for long sleeps!! It sounds like things are getting easier, and I am so glad to hear it. If there's one thing I've learned so far, it's that the first few months of infancy are quite challenging, but things do get better!

Em said...

Hooray for 7 hours sleeps...She started that when I was there! Yay!

I'm not surprised she's talking to our Lord in her own way. That girl is full of holiness and purity :).

Send my love.