Saturday, May 2, 2009

Man Chores #3: Vegetable Planter Box

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

Sometimes I surprise even myself.

For the past few years Diana has maintained some simple vegetable plants on her back porch. I believe she started out with just tomatoes, then added bell peppers last year. These plants have been very successful with the intense morning sun that they get on our back porch.

This year, Diana and I brainstormed a better way to plant these veggies, as the pots just did not seem big enough and not the most effective way to grow these plants. Our solution was a planter box that would be deep and wide enough to plant several plants and fit on our back porch as well.

Following a gracious gift of plywood and lumber from my Dad, I put the following together:

The materials

The walls and supports are cut

The frame put together

All settled in on the back porch!

I used only my battery powered circular saw, drill, and some decking screws. The dimensions of the box are 60"x14"x16" which we plan on filling with dirt and planting 3 cherry tomato plants and two red bell pepper plants. Also, we have a mint plant, 2 zucchini plants, and several flowers that are going to be put into pots to finish the ensemble. Diana is presently working on planting everything.

It was kind of a cool moment in the street when I was putting everything together and it actually felt sturdy! If I had to do it over again, I would have cut the plywood in more daylight. As it were, I had to cut it later in the evening and my lines were not as dark as I would have liked and the longer cuts got a bit crooked, but overall everything fit together pretty well.

Hopefully this is the first of many things I will be able to build for the family. I already have plans on building a set of wooden blocks for Abigail to play with, and hopefully, a playground set for our future backyard!

I will update when everything is planted.

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!

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