Sunday, April 5, 2009

O God, O God....the rest

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

God is good, all the time. Our precious daughter slept the entire time during Mass today, including through the reading of the Passion! Diana did such an amazing job holding her throughout; praise God!

Fr. Pat offered a neat reflection of the Psalm today, "O God, O God, why have you abandoned me?" (Ps 22:2) He mentioned that this cry from King David is only the first part of his plea, and would seem to show some anger and doubt that the Lord will deliver him. What we often times miss, is the rest of the plea, "Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the glory of Israel. In you our ancestors trusted; they trusted and you rescued them. To you they cried out and they escaped; in you they trusted and were not disappointed." (Ps 22:4-7)

How often do we forget to remember that God not only brings us to trouble and times of doubt and frustration, but also is the One who delivers us from these same?

May we trust in you, O God, to deliver us from evil, especially when we, as parents, become frustrated our day to day struggles with raising your future saints!

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!

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