Friday, February 20, 2009

Angel Food

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Several weeks back, my father-in-law mentioned to Diana and I about a group called Angel Food Ministries that sells "boxes" of pre-selected food to anyone who is interested at a steep discount. Each month, the group puts out a menu that includes a "regular box" with enough food to feed a family of 4 for one week. This box is $30. On top of that, each month there are several "special boxes" that may include steaks, chicken, any specialty foods such as pre-prepared side dishes, and a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. You must purchase a regular box in order to order any of the specialty boxes. The contents of these boxes are then shipped to local churches where you pick them up on designated dates.

After looking at the menus for the past couple months and considering how we would best be able to utilize all of the food that comes in the boxes, Diana and I sent in our order form for the February menu. We got one regular box and one fresh fruit and veggie box. Shown below are the blessings we recieved for only $51!

Regular box contents: 1 pack of boneless skinless chicken breasts, thick cut porkchops, 4 sirloin steaks, frozen breaded chicken tenders, bacon, carrots, rice, eggs, stir fry veggies, french fries, frosted flakes, 2%milk, salisbury steak frozen dinner entree, 2 small pecan pies.

Fresh fruit and veggie box contents: carrots, 2 pears, apples, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, raisins, cabbage, oranges, and a pineapple.

We really do feel very blessed that such an opportunity has presented itself to be thrifty with the way we purchase groceries, especially in such uncertain financial times, and hope that the Lord continues to bless those involved with this ministry

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!


Frances said...

Diana told me about this during her visit yesterday (I haven't been reading blogs lately). Your bounty looks great - I hope you are able to make some delicious meals out of what you received. My sister helps coordinate the Angel Food orders at the Baptist church where she works. She had purchased a Senior box prior to having her baby and we got to try some of the prepackaged meals during our visit. As I told Diana, they were pretty salty - not recommendable. But your regular box looks good, and the fruits and veggies even better!

Adam said...

Yea we are definitely going to stay away from the senior box, but I think the meat and staple items that come in the other boxes make it a pretty good deal.

The best part is that if you don't like what comes in a box, you don't have to order it!

Eric said...

I'm trying to remember where I first head about this several months ago. It might have been from JC, but I'm thinking it had something to do with an adoption circle.

We haven't tried it yet, mainly because we thought that we would be taking a bag of groceries that another family could benefit from more than us. However, I also recognize that more families just means more economical purchasing power for the ministry.

Our family may have to reconsider now that we have a couple who have tried it and recommend it publicly. :)