Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Diana and I have settled back into the condo and as such, there are house tasks that need to be done. You know, the man stuff that involves hammers......and sweat.....and fixing things. It seemed natural that Diana just make a list of these things so that she, hopefully, does not have to nag me to do them (the dreaded "N" word!!!). Tonight I asked her if she could every so kindly make me a honey-do list (yes I know its cliche, but hey, its effective).

At my request, she practically sprinted into our baby's room/nursery/library/craft cave/warehouse/diaper heaven, and I don't know for sure, but she might have pulled a hamstring darting over there. One thing I must divulge about my beloved is that she has a weakness for notepads. I'm not talking about having a couple laying around here or there; rather, there is a stack of them that consumes the better part of one side of the bottom shelf of her bookcase in aforementioned room. There is basically a notepad for every holiday of the year (I didn't even know they made Take Your Daughter To Work Day notepads.....come to think of it, why does she have that one?) Literally, every time we walk into a Target store, we spend several minutes perusing the $1 items right at the entry to the store; if you've ever been in Target, you know what I'm talking about. It takes a small act of God to get on with our shopping.

So anyway, she digs around for a couple minutes and emerges with this gem:
Apparently, she bought this one day before we were even married, just waiting for the day when she would get to use it. I personally think that the quotation marks should be around the words "honey do" but that's neither here nor there.

As you can see, I am already behind on my list, but hey, isn't that half the fun?

I was also informed that I am not allowed to make a honey do list for her. Go figure.

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!

1 comment:

Frances said...

Fabulous! I actually have one page of that notepaper - can't remember where I got it (I used to collect notepaper, too...emphasis on the used to...which strikes me as a really odd pairing of words now that I'm putting emphasis on it!).

Anyway, my "honey do" list (yes, quotation marks - not parenthesis - around the first two words!) is on scratch paper, but nothing has been marked off of it yet. That's okay - becoming a nurse is more important right now. ;)