Monday, April 28, 2008

7 Random Things

After being mentioned in good friends David and Frances' blog, I am going to try this whole chain letter/blog thing. I guess the first thing is to link to the person who called you mean, graciously linked you from their blog. So here it is.

The second thing is to post the instructions. So here they are:

1. When tagged, place the name and URL on your blog.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

And off we go!

1. One of my biggest pet peeves is soap/shampoo that does not lather. The biggest culprit in this area is public bathrooms, most notably the one at work. There is nothing worse than soaping up my hands only to feel like I am washing my hands with olive oil that is barely scented like urinal cakes.

2. I love the smell of my toenails after I clip them, especially my big toes. Call me weird, call me gross, but you know you have that one thing you love the smell of that your friends would disown you over.

3. I am scared to death of drowning. Let me clarify. I am scared to death of being drowned, forcefully, mob-movie-cinder-block-shoes-thrown-into-Lake-Michigan-in-December-style. Most would think this is counterintuitive, considering my competitive swimming background, but I guess its the whole concept of such an amazing talent being taken away from me that really geeks me out.

4. I love sunflower seeds. I am working with a college baseball team, and I must say that sunflower seeds, not sunflower kernels, are the sole thing that help me keep my sanity when we get to the stadium 4 hours before game time. There is something therapeutic about throwing about 20 seeds in your mouth, storing them in one cheek squirrel style and slowly working them down like a professional. Nevermind the fact that all the salt works my cheeks and lips raw. Most people would just say, "Adam, why dont you just buy the kernels and save yourself the trouble". I say, I buy them because of the hull, not in spite of it. Some may just never understand. Wow thats alot of typing about sunflower seeds.

5. I have the meanest watch tan this side of the Mississippi. Again, working with two outdoors sports this year meant countless hours in the sun. I like to wear a watch in case I ever need to take a pulse, God forbid, and as such, the perfect outline of my timepiece can be seen on my wrist. I think you can even see the word Timex on there too.

6. This one may shock you. I know that I am tall, 6'9" in fact. And no I didnt play basketball, I swam. And yes, when I dove in, I was pretty much halfway across the pool. If I had a nickel everytime I encountered this EXACT sequence of questions being told to me as if no one ever told me that I was tall, Diana and I would be out of debt last year.

7. I will argue with you for hours about what side of the utensils go into the basket in the dishwasher. I can not for the life of me, understand why you would put the business end of the fork into the basket and not give it the full exposure to the water and soap that it needs. Most people rebut with, and please use your best "dummy" voice when you read this line, "Well what about knives, you dont want to cut yourself on them when you take them out". First, who washes their nice cutlery in the dishwasher? If you do this, you should probably not argue on the best way to wash dishes. Second, who doesnt pay attention to what they are grabbing out of the basket when putting dishes away. I have emptied dishwashers for the better part of 18 years of my life and never once, to my recollection, can I remember putting the silverware away with my eyes closed, or in a situation where I could not see the utensils. Again, if you do this, maybe you just shouldnt put the silverware away.

So now Im supposed to put 7 of my favorite blogs down. I wish I could name 7 blogs, much less choose 7 of my favorites. Sadly, the above linked blog is my only blogger friend so far. Is there like a club or a bar that you can go to to meet blogfriends?

God bless


ps...This weeks song of the hour is by Monday Morning, a Christian group that plays some softer, worship style songs. The song is called "The Wonder of it All" and has a pretty quality sound to it. Enjoy

Monday, April 14, 2008


For those who dont know, that stands for "Buy Two Get Three Free". Yes. I said that right. Buy two, get THREE free.

This is a current special Harris Teeter grocery stores are running for VIC customers. Generally I wont splurge and buy 5 of a particular item (save fruit lol), but the two finds I saw today were too good to pass up.

The headliner was BTGTF 12-packs of Pepsi products. Now, having just bought some soda the day before, I was hesitant to get more, but then my fabulous fiance Diana reminded me that I can get them and donate them to the LifeTeen ministry at our church!

The other thing I saw, just as I was getting ready to check out, was BTGTF reduced fat, whole wheat wheat thins, a favorite snack of Diana and I. I bought 5, knowing that they will get eaten. Im going to have to give them to her one at a time though, so she doesnt blaze through them too fast haha.

I feel I need to take an opportunity to rave about the wonders of whole wheat products. Many people dont like stuff made with whole wheat because of the taste, and I can certainly respect that; I personally dont think Ill ever get a taste for whole wheat pasta. On the other hand, I feel that the health benefits from the reduced fat and higher fiber contents of these products is one of the easiest ways to eat healthier. Im talking simple things like making sandwiches out of whole wheat bread instead of white, or eating whole wheat crackers (like above). I think you would be surprised at how much you dont taste of the whole wheat.

I am really trying to eat healthier. For the longest time, I thrived on junk food and just didnt make smart choices about what I ate, but could get away with it because I was so active with swimming. Now that exercise is harder to come buy, I really need to start making better choices, and I figure now is the best time to do that, because come June 14th, or whenever we get back from our honeymoon (Alaska here we come!), I am going to have to eat better if I want home cooked meals (which I do, have you ever eaten anything Diana has cooked!)

God bless you all


ps. I have several topics for blog posts in my head, but I must get to the library to work on thesis edits, they are due in two days!

pps. song of the hour is "Faith, Love, and Happiness" by Thousand Foot Krutch, a Christian rock band, similar to Falling Up, but a bit harder. Still, great stuff. Ignore the retarded video, its the only thing I could find that links the song lol

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Lord always provides

I am sure that there is some very eloquent Bible verse about the Lord providing for the needs of his people, somewhere in the Old Testament perhaps. I am way too excited/lazy to look one up right now, however.

I just found out that Davidson College, a school about 10 minutes, literally, from my future wife's condo, is hiring an assistant athletic trainer. This is exactly the position that I am searching for, college athletic training somewhere where we would not have to move. This position is absolutely perfect. Don't worry, I have already applied.

Please pray for this opportunity to pan out for Diana and I. We really do not want to have to move away from our friends in Charlotte for some silly job.

Something else I just noticed. Blogger will underline words you misspell in red. It even underlines contractions like won't and don't that you do not put the apostrophes in. I am notorious for doing that and I found that I change it when Blogger tells me its wrong. I guess I just do not like the look of the red line lol. See, well I guess you can't, it underlined "lol".....LOOK it did it again.....grrrrrr.......

God bless


p.s. song of the hour is "Escalates" by Falling Up, a Christian rock band. Good stuff.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

First off I would like to thank you for visiting my site. I hope that this blog will entertain, inform, and inspire those who read the posts within. I invite comments from anyone and everyone.

The title of this blog "A New Paracletes" is a double-entendre. For those of you who dont know what the heck that is, its a type of pun where a word has a double meaning.

Paraclete as it is spelled is a term used as a title for the Holy Spirit as a "mediator" or "one who intercedes". This title can be found in The Divine Praises, a prayer recited typically at the end of a holy hour or during benediction and reposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

A pair of cleats, quite obviously refers to the shoes commonly worn by athletes during competition. This, I thought, was a pretty neat way to incorporate my love of sports and my connection to them through my job as a collegiate athletic trainer.

The purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts on life, both serious and funny. For those who dont know me, I love laughing and making others laugh, so I will try to portray that through my writing. It will often include thoughts on matters of faith, including my upcoming wedding to my beautiful and wonderful fiance, Diana. She got "mad" at me when I told her I was starting this blog, so hopefully I can convince her to get into it once we get married.

Other ideas I had for this blog were having a weekly/monthly post on some aspect of athletic training, whether it be a description of the anatomy of a certain joint or the different aspects of certain injuries, just something that keeps these things in my head and helps me to learn more about them for my personal career growth. Also, I thought of sharing my finds in the realm of Christian/Catholic music. I am big into lesser known bands that produce awesome tracks, so I will be sharing some of those with you as well. Finally, I LOVE the Latin language. There is nothing better than singing Latin chants during Mass on Sunday, although it has been few and far between that I have had the joy of doing so. That being said, I will try to educate you alls on some Latin phrases that I find interesting and/or funny.

Wow thats a long first post. Especially considering it is 2:10am and I should be typing on my thesis. Dont tell anyone.

God bless you all


Finally Unlocked!

After about 2 weeks of waiting for my blog to be unlocked (Blogger thought it was a spam blog!), I can finally post. It is pretty late right now and I have some work to do on my thesis document but I wanted to post here so that I do not get locked up again.

A proper introduction and explanation of this blog is forthcoming so tell all your friends!

God bless
