Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Eve

On this eve of the inauguration of our next president, I wanted to share some of my emotions as our country takes this next step forward.

As a Catholic, I was a bit disappointed at the election of Obama for his obvious pro-choice agenda, which I still believe he will have to put on hold considering the state our country's economy is in currently. I guess what I was more disappointed in was the support for Obama that came from many of my friends and peers who consider themselves Catholic, or Christian, or pro-life. I can certainly sympathize with those who voted Obama on the basis of his "social justice" for the poor and underpriviledged, but it seems to me that the most poor and underpriviledged in our society are the unborn.

I would like to think that I will be supportive of Obama and not try to criticize his policies too harshly. However, it is hard to believe that those who voted for him will be able to swallow their pride when/if his decisions are not the correct ones. I will be the first to admit that I was not a fan of some of the Bush administration actions but I do not see how criticizing and complaining does anything about the situation. I just hope that the rose colored glasses can come off and that we don't just ride the wave of electing our first minority president for the next four years, unable to see that there could be negative effects of his decisions.

EDIT: I found this comment on a website that I frequent and thought it sums up the way I feel (emphasis mine)

"The problem is that we've not only given Obama the keys to the car, we've also given him a blank check with that huge congressional majority. On top of that, he can seemingly do no wrong in the eyes of thousands of adoring journalists and millions of worshipping fans. I'd like to see some real, critical analysis of Obama's decisions and policy, but I doubt I'll see anything like that for a while. (And while I trust the guy to make the right decision more than I would ever trust Bush -- dont necessairly agree here), there are no checks or balances in place to prevent him from going down the wrong path."

St. Joseph, patron of families, champion of purity, and model of humility, pray for us!


David said...

I agree. On an issues such as the economy and the environment, I believe Obama has the potential to provide a long-term solution. On almost every other issue, I believe he stands to be an effective leader but he is hindered from his stance on life. Life is an issue which permeates all of the others and just because an individual can lead doesn't mean he will lead in the right direction. I have been and will be praying for this man, his administration, and those who voted for him.

Adam said...

It's a shame that we can't elect a faithful Catholic democrat....